Annular pancreas

Q) All are true about annular pancreas except ( AIIMS GI Surgery Question bank)

a) They are mostly asymptomatic

b) It has equal incidence in children and adults

c) Treatment of choice is duodenojejunostomy

d) Associated with Down's syndrome

 Answer c

Annular pancreas is a congenital malformation but manifestations can appear in the adult life.

Annulus means a ring of pancreatic tissue around the duodenum. For annular pancreas to be diagnosed, this ring can be complete or incomplete.

Embryological basis

Normally the ventral buds of pancreas and  dorsal bud fuses together. Non rotation and fusion of these two leads to the formation of annular pancreas. It envelops the  2nd part of duodenum.

Age of presentation

Incidence is equal in both adults and children

Presentation in children is congenital anomalies and duodenal obstruction

Presents in adults as pancreatitis usually in 3rd or 4th decade

Association with other pancreatic conditions

1. Pancreas  divisum 35- 40%

2. Chronic pancreatitis 45- 50%

Other GI conditions

Annular pancreas is a possible etiology of congenital duodenal obstruction and is associated with other congenital anomalies such as Down syndrome, duodenal atresia, and imperforate anus.

Clinical Fetaures

Of those seen as adults, 75%were seen with pain

22% were diagnosed with pancreatitis

24%) had gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms that included vomiting,

11%had obstructive jaundice and/or abnormal liver function test results.

Ref BG page 869


It is duodenal bypass and not resection of duodenum as duodenum excision can lead to pancreatitis

in children its duodeno - duodenostomy

in adults duodenoduodenostomy which has now replaced duodenojejunostomy


Questions on Pancreas 

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