Q) Trans Hiatal Esophagectomy ( THE)  vs Trans Thoracic Esophagectomy ( TTE)   which is not true? ( Question asked in all AIIMS and INI exams since 2017) 

a) Leak rates are more with TTE 

b) Pulmonary complication is more with TTE

c) Side to side stapler anastomosis has less leaks than open two layer suturing

d) THE can be done through minimally invasive surgery

Esophagus Mock test  1

Esophagus Mock test 2 

Ans c

Pulmonary complications  are 57% with TTE 27% with  THE  ( SKF 409)

Anastomotic leak 16% TTE and 14% THE ( not significant) subclinical leak slightly more in THE

Option D is correct

Cardiac complications, Vocal cord paralysis , wound infection, chyle leak are all more with TTE

Blackmon et al. published a propensity-matched analysis comparing outcomes between side-to-side stapled anastomosis, end-to-end circular stapled anastomosis, and handsewn,
with no significant difference in leak rate noted.  ( SKF page 475)

SKF page 409

Ulcerative colitis Surgery in Young female

Q) Which surgery would be preferred to be done in young unmarried  female with steroid refractory Ulcerative colitis  and 15 bloody bowel movements per day?

a) TPC with IPAA

b) TPC with EI ( end ileostomy) 

c) TAC with EI ( end ileostomy) 

d) TAC with IRA ( Ileo rectal anastomosis)

#AIIMS 2022 April 


Ans b

The risk of infertility following IPAA was estimated to be approximately 50% compared with 15% among medically treated patients.
Given these data, many surgeons advocate for a three-stage procedure in which subtotal colectomy with end ileostomy is performed and IPAA is deferred until childbearing is
SKF 8th page 1936
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