Q) 60 year old female undergoes lap cholecystectomy and is discharged She comes back 8 days later with pain abdomen, distension, fever and tachycardia. USG shows a 500 ml collection in Morrisons Pouch. Next step?
a) Conservative, I V antibiotics
b) USG guided drainage
c) LAP exploration and ligation of cystic duct stump
Q) An young male with cholangitis, EHPVO + Portal Biliopathy was drained with a plastic biliary stent next step?
a) Repeat biliary Stenting every 3 months then followed up
b) Replace plastic to bare metal stent
c) Prepare for Lineorenal shunt surgery
d) Do MRCP and proceed accordingly
Points about Portal Biliopathy
Portal biliopathy (PB) is a clinical condition defined as the presence of abnormalities in the biliary tree (including biliary tree and gallbladder) in patients with non-cirrhotic/non-neoplastic extrahepatic portal vein obstruction (EHPVO) and portal cavernoma.
The spectrum of biliary abnormalities include both intra- and extra-hepatic biliary stenosis (single or multiple)
With or without consensual above dilation
Bile duct wall irregularity or thickening
Bile duct angulation
Varicose veins located at the ductular walls and gallbladder
a) 2% blood supply is nonaxial b) Downward 38% from RHA c) GB venous drainage directly to Portal vein d) Main artery supply to retro pancreatic CBD is retroduodenal artery