Q) . False about subvesical duct
a) Embedded in cystic plate
b) Communicate with CHD
c) Communicate with GB
d) Does not drain any specific segment of liver
Q) . False about subvesical duct
a) Embedded in cystic plate
b) Communicate with CHD
c) Communicate with GB
d) Does not drain any specific segment of liver
Q) Not an indication of cholecystectomy in gall bladder polyp?
a) Size more than 1 cm
b) Associated gall stones
c) Age more than 50 years
d) More than 3 in number
Q Risk of cancer in un resected choledochal cyst ( AIIMS 2020 GI)
a. 30 %
b. 20 %
c. 50%
d. 5%
Q) False about management of cholangiocarcinoma?
a) Resection can be done in absence of histological diagnosis
b) External radiotherapy better than brachytherapy
c) Lobar hepatectomy can be done
d) None
Q) Choledochal cyst III, treatment (MCH GI 2019)
A) Partial hepatic resection
B) Choledochojejunostomy
C) Transduodenal excision
D) Endoscopic drainage
Q1) Most common congenital anomaly associated with biliary atresia?
a) Polysplenia
b) Teratology of falot
c) Malrotation
d) preduodenal portal vein
Q) Lowest risk of malignancy is seen in which type of choledochal cyst?
a) I
b) III
c) IV
d) V