
Q ) A 68-year-old male with severe mitral regurgitation due to a prolapsed mitral valve is being evaluated for a MitraClip® procedure. Which of the following is a known limitation of the MitraClip® treatment?

A) It has a high risk of causing permanent heart valve failure.

B) Long-term durability of the device is uncertain, and its effectiveness may decline over time.

C) The MitraClip® is associated with increased risk of severe aortic stenosis.

D) The procedure is recommended for all patients with moderate to severe mitral regurgitation, regardless of surgical risk.

Glenn Procedure

Q) Which of the following best describes the main goal of the Glenn procedure performed in patients with single-ventricle congenital heart defects, such as after the Norwood operation? #Congenital cardiac mock test on 8th Dec 24

A) To create a two-ventricle circulation by repairing the mitral and tricuspid valves.
B) To establish direct pulmonary blood flow by redirecting the superior vena cava to the pulmonary arteries.
C) To replace the right ventricle with a synthetic pump for systemic circulation.
D) To connect the left atrium directly to the right ventricle to improve systemic oxygenation.


Anticoagulation in valve surgery

Q) IN which operative valve procedure, lifelong anticoagulation is required. 

# Theme from mock test on 13.10.24 ( Plastic and cardiac) 

a) Valve Repair

b) Mechanical valve  replacement

c) Biological valve stentless

d) Biological valve homogenous

8 important CTVS/cardiology signs asked in exams

8 CTVS signs on imaging

Expect 2-3 questions on cardiology signs asked in MCH exams 

I am listing the 8 most common 

  1. Egg on String sign - Transposition of great arteries
  2. Snowman Sign - TAPVC ( Total Anomalous pulmonary venous return) 

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Relationship of PDA to surrounding structures

Q) Patent ductus while closure is seen nearest to which structure? 

a) Left Subclavian a.

b) Left RLN

c) Left Pulmonary artery

d) Left phrenic nerve



Malignant chest wall tumors

Q  Most common malignant chest wall tumor
A. Chondrosarcoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Synovial sarcoma
D. Rhabdomyosarcoma

Answer to Q 46

Most common tumors of the chest wall are secondaries from elsewhere. The most common malignant tumor of chest wall is .......

Ref Sabiston page 1602


Truncus arteriosus

Q ) Which of the following statements about truncus  arteriosus is false?
A. Most infants do well without operations until late childhood.
B. Cyanosis is a late feature
C. Most infants present with congestive heart failure.
D. Repair requires a conduit from right ventricle to pulmonary arteries.


In Truncus arteriosus there is a single arterial trunk arising from the ventricles, with single dysplastic valve with

semilunar leaflets and a subvalvular VSD..

Untreated, most infants  do not survive beyond 6 months. Cyanosis is usually not present early, because mixing
mainly occurs at VSD level and the arterial oxygen saturation is generally greater than  85%, but............Read on 

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