Q) The most consistent anatomical landmark of the facial nerve is the
A. Anterior border of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle.
B. Posterior border of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle.
C. Superior border of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle.
D. Inferior border of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle
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Free MCQs in Surgery
Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy leak
Q) After Ivor Lewis esophagectomy, on POD 5 , bile is seen in chest tube. Patient's heart rate is 120, temp is 101 degree F, BP is 100/70. What will be the next step?
a) Stenting
b) Colonic replacement of gastric conduit
c) IV antibiotics
d) Conduit excision and Esophageal diversion
Lung cancer
Q) A 73 year male, old heavy smoker presents with haemoptysis. On examination he is cachectic and shows evidence of clubbing. Imaging shows a main bronchial tumour with massive mediastinal lymphadenopathy together with widespread visceral metastases. Which of the following variant is likely in him? ( Theme from mock test 12- 24)
a) Adenocarcinoma
B. Small cell lung cancer
C. Large cell lung cancer
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
Thyroid storm
Q) 40 year old lady was on anti thyroid medications which she stopped for 2 weeks. She presented in emergency with high grade fever and hypotension. ( Thyroid Storm) .What is not a part of further management?
a) Oxygen
b) Beta blockers
c) Radio active Iodine
d) Lugol's idodine
Grades of Splenic Injury – Image based Question
Q) 45 year old male with road side accident and fracture of 3 ribs on left side. CT scan of the abdomen is shown below. Out of the five grades of splenic injury What is the grade in him ?
a) Grade II
b) Grade III
c) Grade IV
d) Grade V
Take the practice MCQ tests ( Some are free). Others are for Premium Members
Take the free image based mock test
Q) Trans Hiatal Esophagectomy ( THE) vs Trans Thoracic Esophagectomy ( TTE) which is not true? ( Question asked in all AIIMS and INI exams since 2017)
a) Leak rates are more with TTE
b) Pulmonary complication is more with TTE
c) Side to side stapler anastomosis has less leaks than open two layer suturing
d) THE can be done through minimally invasive surgery
Ulcerative colitis Surgery in Young female
Q) Which surgery would be preferred to be done in young unmarried female with steroid refractory Ulcerative colitis and 15 bloody bowel movements per day?
a) TPC with IPAA
b) TPC with EI ( end ileostomy)
c) TAC with EI ( end ileostomy)
d) TAC with IRA ( Ileo rectal anastomosis)