Q) In Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Petrosphenoidal syndrome involves which cranial nerves ( Aiims onco 2020) ?
a) VII- X
b) I-III
Q) In Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Petrosphenoidal syndrome involves which cranial nerves ( Aiims onco 2020) ?
a) VII- X
b) I-III
Q) In buccal mucosa cancer after surgery and CRT, after 2 year patient developed cancer at base of tongue with N3 nodes positive. Best line of management
A Palliative RT
c. Rehabilitation
D. Surgery followed CTRT
There are two parts to this questions
a) Second Primary tumor (SPM)
b) Management of Base of tongue tumors with N3
Both are discussed here ---
Q) Lymphoma of the head and neck - False statement is
A. Hodgkin’s disease is common in the oropharynx.
B. Most are of the B-cell type .
C. FNAC of neck lymph nodes is now mandatory.
D. For disseminated non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, systemic chemotherapy is preferred.
Q) Least chance of injury to which nerve in submandibular gland surgery? (# onco Surgery 2020 AIIMS)
a) Marginal mandibular branch of fascial nerve
b) Hypoglossal nerve
c) Lingual nerve
D) Inferior alveolar n.
Q) Maximum chances of lymph node spread is in among laryngeal sub site is
A Fossa of Rosenmuller
B Supraglotic
C Subglottic
D Glottis
Q) Treatment of N0 neck in most head and neck cancers is
a) Elective lymph node dissection
b) Modified radical lymph node dissection
c) Radiotherapy
d) Chemotherapy
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In patients with a clinically negative neck, the incidence of occult metastases varies with the site, size and thickness of the primary tumour. The high rate of occult cervical metastases (> 20%) in tumours of the lower part of the oral cavity is the main argument in favour of elective treatment of the neck even if it is N0. Several clinical and pathological studies have demonstrated that the pattern of metastatic lymph node metastases occurs in a predictable fashion in patients with oral and oropharyngeal carcinoma.
The risk of metastases increases as one progresses from the anterior to posterior part of the upper aero-digestive tract; from lip (10%) progressing along the tongue (25%), gum (30%), floor of mouth (40%), oropharynx (55%) to hypopharynx (65%). Endophytic tumors, poorly differentiated tumors, and tumors with a greater thickness (tongue and floor of mouth) are more likely to have metastases
Q High grade Mucoepidermoid carcinoma with VII nerve palsy. Next line of management will be
A. Surgery and chemo radiotherapy
B. Chemotherapy
C. Radiotherapy
D. Surgery followed by RT