Lymph nodes in neck

Q) Most common site for lymph node spread is ? (head and neck Onco) 

a) Tongue

b) Lip

c) NAsopharynx

d) Glottis

Ans c

 Primary sites within the pharynx (i.e., nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx) and supraglottic larynx  are particularly high risk.

The oral cavity has an intermediate risk,

whereas the glottic larynx, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses are low risk. Other predictors of risk of metastases are higher T stage and thickness (in case of oral cavity cancers).

Head and neck SCC

Q) Which treatment regimen is commonly recommended for radiotherapy (RT) in patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)?
A. Concurrent
B. Adjuvant
C .Neoadjuvant
D. Sequential

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