Q : Which is not hyperattenuating lesion on CT? ( AIIMS 2021 MCQs) ( MCQs on liver )
a) Hemochromatosis
c) Wilson disease
d) Glycogen storage disease
MCH Preparation
Q : Which is not hyperattenuating lesion on CT? ( AIIMS 2021 MCQs) ( MCQs on liver )
a) Hemochromatosis
c) Wilson disease
d) Glycogen storage disease
Q) All are true regarding clinical symptoms of HVPG except :
a) At 10 development of varices
b) At 12 variceal bleed
c) At 14 refractory bleed
d) At 30 SBP
Q) Caudate anatomy, false is :
a) Bile duct supply is by both right and left hepatic duct
b) Paracaval portion is segment IX
c) Mainly venous drainage to middle and left hepatic vein
Q Low CVP maintainace and hepatic resection all are associated with all except :( # AIIMS 2021) (# Liver 61-70)
a) Reduced bleeding
b) Reduced transfusion
c) Increased renal injury
d) Reduced operative time
Q : After hepatectomy for Non colorectal non neuroendocrine metastasis false is ( #AIIMS GI 2021 Recall)
Q Hydatid cyst cysto biliary complication : false is? (#Hydatid Cyst Mcqs) ( AIIMS 2021 GI MCQS)
1) Cyst size >10 cm is an independent predictor of intra biliary rupture.
2) Major Cysto biliary communication (CBC) is when size of intra biliary rupture is more than 5mm .
Q) Regeneration of liver false is ( # More Liver Questions)
a) From 2 wk to 3 month
b) Occur from epithelial cell fenestration.