Q) A 45 year old male with carcinoma head of pancreas, complains of stickiness of stools and difficulty in digestion. Which of the following enzyme deficiency does he have?
a) Amylase
b) Protease
c) Lipase
d) Elastase
MCH Preparation
a) Amylase
b) Protease
c) Lipase
d) Elastase
Q) Which of the following is true about reno vascular hypertension
a) Seen in young age group
b) Both kidneys are of same size
c) It is familial
d) Diuretics will control the hypertension
Q) True statement regarding peritonitis is
a) Raised serum amylase is only seen in pancreatitis
b) Rectal examination is better diagnostic of appendicitis than per abdominal examination
c) Ultrasound has diagnostic accuracy of 90% for diagnosing acute appendictis
d) Catarrhal appendicitis mostly leads to gangrene of appendix and perforation
Q) A 68 year old man undergoes repair of infra renal aortic aneurysm. On 2nd POD he has abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and tachycardia. BP is 120/70. Abdomen is mildly distended and tender especially in the left lower quadrant.
How will you proceed
a) Send stool for clostridium and spores
b) CT Abdomen
c) Exploratory laparotomy
d) Higher antibiotics
Q) A 42 year old lady undergoes exploration for a retroperitoneum mass. In OT it is suspected that this is a liposarcoma. Which of the following is not true about liposarcoma? ( Some MRCS Questions)
a) Liposarcoma is the most common variant of sarcomas
b) They have a pseudocapsule
c) They can grow quite large before producing symptoms
d) They are locally invasive and do not metastatize
Q)Splenic artery aneurysm is seen in
a) Proximal 1/3rd of splenic artery
b) Proximal 2/3 of splenic artery
c) Middle 1/3 of splenic artery
d) Distal 1/3 of splenic artery
Q) A 50 year old male undergoes pancreatectomy for Carcinoma head of pancreas. His pre op Hb was 9.2g% and during surgery he received 5 units of PRBC. In the post op period on the 2nd day he develops ECG changes. Work up is done for Myocardial Ischemia which is negative. What is the most common cause of ECG changes here
a) Hyponatremia
b) Hyperkalemia