Living Donor liver transplant 2017-05-172017-05-14 by admin Q) Living donor liver transplant (LDLT) is done in centers where cadaveric donations are few. Which of the following is true about it? a) Only right lobe of the donor can be used b) Only left lobe can be used c) In LDLT bile leak is more than cadaveric donor d) Small for size liver is defined as liver size less than 0.5% of recipient BSA Answer
Contraindications for liver transplant 2017-05-172017-05-10 by admin Q ) Now a days contraindication for liver transplant is a) HIV positive status of the recipient b) Active infection with SIRS c) Complete portal vein thrombosis d) HCC with 3 lesions , one is segment II and other two in segment IV, maximum size is 2.8 cm Answer