MCQ on General onco

Q) Which is not a mechanism of cancer cells invasion ?

a) Rise in interstitial pressure in the tissue

b) Dissolution of extracellular matrix

c) Mobility of cells to Invade

d) Extra cellular matrix dissolution is due to  physical factors

Ans d 

Cancer cells secrete collagenases and proteases that chemically dissolve any extracellular boundaries

The three main mechanisms by which cancer cells facilitate invasion are:

  1. Dissolution of Extracellular Matrix: Cancer cells secrete proteolytic enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), that break down components of the extracellular matrix. This dissolution allows cancer cells to penetrate surrounding tissues.
  2. Acquisition of Mobility: Cancer cells gain enhanced motility, which enables them to move through tissues. This involves changes in cell adhesion properties and the cytoskeleton that promote movement.
  3. Rise in Interstitial Pressure: While increased interstitial pressure can affect fluid dynamics within tissues, it is typically a consequence of tumor growth rather than a mechanism that facilitates invasion. Thus, it's important to clarify that this is not a primary mechanism for invasion.

PET CT In Urological Malignancies

Q) PET CT in urological  malignancies most useful in? ( Questions as per NEW NEET SS Pattern) 

a) RCC

b) Testis

c) Urinary bladder

d) all

Ans B


In men with testis cancer, it is recommended in the follow-up of patients with seminoma with any residual mass

Promising in Urinary bladder ca

Not used in RCC 

BAiley page 1391

Stemmer’s test

Q) Stemmer Test is done in

a) Lymphedema

b) Deep Venous Thrombosis

c) Superficial Venous thrombosis

d) Factitious lymphedema

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