Squamous cell carcinoma

Q) What is the correct regarding squamous cell carcinoma? (For oncosurgery skin MCQs see here)

A)Chronic healing wound is a risk factor.

B)Bowen's disease does not have a risk of malignant transformation.

C)In situ disease present as slightly pink or skin coloured raised plaques.

D)Imiquimod is not used as a treatment option.

Non obstructive mesenteric ischemia

Q) Not true about Non Obstructive Mesenteric Ischeamia (NOMI)

a) Occurs due to treatment with vasopressors

b) Occurs in cardiac shock

c) Can occur in Burns

d) Hypercoagulable state maybe responsible for NOMI


Roux en Y Gastric bypass


Q 35) To prevent bile reflux gastritis in RYGB, false is

a) Jejunum divided at 45cm from the DJ

b) Roux loop length is 40 cm and above

c) Enteroenterostomy done at 45cm from the GJ

Answer q 35

Achalasia cardia with perforation

Q) What is the management of achalasia cardia with perforation ?

a) Suture ligation of the perforation

b) Suture ligation with myotomy on opposite side with fundoplication

c) Suturing with fundoplication

d) esophagectomy


GI bleed

Q) Which of the following statement is incorrect for  GI bleeding?

a) Clear nasogastric aspirate rules out Upper gi bleed

b) RBC scan detects bleed upto 0.1-0.5 ml/min

c) Angio detects 0.5-1 ml/min

d) UGI bleed is responsible for 15% of haematochezia


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