Lymphatic Spread carcinoma Prostate

Q) Most common lymph node involved in carcinoma prostate is
a. Obturator
b. Iliac
c. Periprostatic
d. Perivesical

a ✅

Lymphatic spread may occur (1) via lymphatic vessels passing to the obturator fossa or along the sides of the rectum to the lymph nodes beside the internal iliac vein and in the hollow
of the sacrum

Also lymphatics that pass over the seminal vesicles and follow the vas deferens for a short distance to
drain into the external iliac lymph nodes.

From retroperitoneal lymph nodes, the mediastinal nodes and occasionally the supraclavicular nodes may become implicated.

Testicular cancer

Q) Which of following testicular cancer will increase Overall Survival  by Lymph Node  dissection?

a) Seminoma

b) Embryonal cell

c) Yolk Cell

d) Sertoli cell

Acute dilutional hyponatremia

Q) 70 yr old male after TURP for BPH  develops un resoponsiveness, slurring of speech and  stroke like symptoms . Further management should be 

a ) Give 3% Nacl

b) Give 0.9% Nacl

c) IV fluid restriction

d) Desmopressin

PET CT In Urological Malignancies

Q) PET CT in urological  malignancies most useful in? ( Questions as per NEW NEET SS Pattern) 

a) RCC

b) Testis

c) Urinary bladder

d) all

Ans B


In men with testis cancer, it is recommended in the follow-up of patients with seminoma with any residual mass

Promising in Urinary bladder ca

Not used in RCC 

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