Q) Most common lymph node involved in carcinoma prostate is
a. Obturator
b. Iliac
c. Periprostatic
d. Perivesical
MCH Preparation
Q) Most common lymph node involved in carcinoma prostate is
a. Obturator
b. Iliac
c. Periprostatic
d. Perivesical
Q) Which of following testicular cancer will increase Overall Survival by Lymph Node dissection?
a) Seminoma
b) Embryonal cell
c) Yolk Cell
d) Sertoli cell
Q) 70 yr old male after TURP for BPH develops un resoponsiveness, slurring of speech and stroke like symptoms . Further management should be
a ) Give 3% Nacl
b) Give 0.9% Nacl
c) IV fluid restriction
d) Desmopressin
Q) All Syndromes are associated with Wilms tumor except
c) Sotto
d) Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Q) Radio opaque stone because of the presence of sulphur is
a) Uric acid
b) Oxalate
c) Phosphate
d) Cysteine
Questions on General Surgery NEW NBE pattern
Q) PET CT in urological malignancies most useful in? ( Questions as per NEW NEET SS Pattern)
a) RCC
b) Testis
c) Urinary bladder
d) all
Q) Most common PSA in prostatic cancer tissue is (# uro onco)
a) Intact PSA
b) Complexed PSA
c) Nick PSA