NEET Questions for MCH exams
Answers and explanations
Q67 ) DENVER CRITERIA is used in
a. Blunt cerebrovascular trauma
b. Chest trauma
c. Blunt trauma abdomen
d) Penetrating abdominal injury
Q68) Which score is associated with spinal cord injury—
a. Frenkel score
b. Glass glow coma score
c. Johnson score
Q 69 ) Recurrence rate in lap repair of recurrent inguinal hernias is
a. 5 %
b. 8 %
c. 10 %
d. 14 %
Q70 . Carbon monoxide poisoning true is
a. It is having 10 times more affinity than oxigen
b. 60 percent is not deadly.
c. Concentration above 10% are dangerous and need observation
d. Concentration above 10% are dangerous and need treatment with pure oxigen
for more than 24 hours
67) a
Denver criteria is for blunt cerebrovascular injury.
It gives indicators of high risk for blunt cerebrovascular injury.
Signs and symptoms:
Expanding neck hematoma
Arterial hemorrhage from neck, nose, mouth
Focal neurological deficit
Cervical bruit (pt <50 yrs)
Stroke on CT or MRI
Neurological deficit unexplained by CT findings
Risk factors:
Severe midface fracture, LeFort II or III
Basilar skull fracture involving carotid canal
Diffuse axonal injury and GCS </= 6
Significant cervical spine fracture or ligamentous injury
Significant soft tissue injury to anterior neck (eg seatbelt Mark)
Near hanging with anoxia
Reference: sabiston 19th edition page 446, box 18-4.
68) a
Spinal cord injury is classified according to Frankel score.
A: absent motor and sensory functions
B: sensory function present, motor absent
C: sensory present , motore present but motor score <3/5
D: sensory present, motor function useful (>/= 3/5)
E: normal function
Reference: Bailey and Love, 25th edition. Page 313
69) c
Over all recurrence rate for inguinal hernia repair is 1.7 to 10%.
Tension free repairs have the lowest rate.
Prosthetic mesh repairs have a 50% to 75% lower risk of hernia recurrence, a lower risk of chronic postherniorrhaphy groin pain, and an earlier return to work than open repairs.
The recurrence rate for the laparoscopic repair was lower compared with open non mesh repairs; however, open and laparoscopic mesh repairs had similar recurrence rates.
Primary hernia recurrence with lap repair is 10% and open 4%.
Recurrent hernia recurrence with lap 10% and open 14%
Ref Sabiston 21 th edition 1116
70 d
Option A: Affinity of CO for Hb is 200-250 times that of oxygen. It causes a conformational change in Hb molecule and reduces affinity of Hb for O2, shifting the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left.
Option B: Concentrations less than 10% are usually asymptomatic. Concentrations >60% are fatal. Arterial carboxyhemoglobin level must be obtained because pulse oximetry can be falsely elevated.
Option C: Concentrations above 10 per cent are dangerous and need treatment with pure oxygen for more than 24 hours. Administration of 100% O2 reduces the half-life of CO from 250 minutes in room air to 40 to 60 minutes on 100% oxygen.