Gi Surgery AIIMS INI SS 2023 April – Past paper

INI SS GI 2023 Surgery Recalls

1st three questions are free to see and evaluate. All other topic wise questions with explanations  will be seen by premium members


Q) Best management of  Barrett with high grade dysplasia as per Seattle criteria is 

a) RFA

b) Vagus sparing esophagectomy

c) Esophagectomy

d) Surveillance



Options to treat are

  1. Endoscopic resection of visible lesions
  2. Ablation of Barrett mucosa most frequently by RFA
  3. Consider esophagectomy patients with ultra-long (8 cm or more Barrett) b) when multifocal disease present c) patients with difficult to control or severe GERD especially in the setting
    of poor esophageal motility and large hiatal hernia

Shackelford page 341 Box 33.1

Q) THE vs TTE which is not true? ( Question asked in all AIIMS and INI exams since 2017) 

a) Leak rates are more with TTE 

b) Pulmonary complication is more with TTE

c) Side to side stapler anastomosis has less leaks than open two layer 

d) THE can be done through minimally invasive surgery

Ans c

Pulmonary complications 57% with TTE 27% with  THE  ( SKF 409)

Anastomotic leak 16% TTE and 14% THE ( not significant) subclinical leak slightly more in THE

Option D is correct

Cardiac complications, Vocal cord paralysis , wound infection, chyle leak are all more with TTE

Blackmon et al. published a propensity-matched analysis comparing outcomes between side-to-side stapled anastomosis, end-to-end circular stapled anastomosis, and handsewn,
with no significant difference in leak rate noted.  ( SKF page 475)

SKF page 409

Q) After THE, there is a symptomatic collection in the left chest diagnosed on X ray. ICD is placed which drains 75-100 ml. However there is chest pain and collection persists, next step?

a) Continue conservative

b) Chest Physio and repeat x ray

c) Surgery

d) Exclude conduit necrosis and replace chest tube

Ans d

The management of intrathoracic leaks depends upon the degree of sepsis.

Patients with contained collections may be treated with percutaneous drainage.

Patients with hemodynamic stability in the setting of sepsis should be taken to the operating room for washout and drainage.

Conservative operative treatment, with débridement and refashioning of the anastomosis, has been described with 25% risk of recurrent leak

SKF page 476

Rest of the Questions are for Premium Members. Whatsapp me to join 


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