Q) Steroids inhibit which state of Wound healing
a) Collagen synthesis
b) Remodeling phase
c) Maturation phase
Q2 Intention to treat analysis used in
a) Randomized control trial
b) Cohort study
c) Case control
d) Case series
Q3. Case control study, level of evidence
a) Level I
b) Level II
c) Level III
Ans Level III
Case control study weakness -
Selection bias
– Recall bias
– Limited potential to establish causal effects
– Can only study one outcome
Q4. 1st Noble prize in Surgery was for
Kocher in 1909
Q5. 35 yr Male following RTA presented with pain abdomen tachycardia and hypotension.
CXR shows loss of aortic knob and widened mediastinal shadow.
Next step -
A. Transesophageal echo
B. CT angio chest
D. Emergency Thoracotomy
Breast General Surgery
Q5. For cyclical mastalgia which of the following was found to have placebo effect from multiple systematic studies?
A) Evening primrose oil
B) Diclofenac gel
C) Tamoxifen
D) Danazole
Uro General Surgery
Q) Living renal donor , detected to have renal stone further investigation of choice
A) Ct with and without contrast
B) Selective angiography
C) MR tomography
Q) All of the the following are correct except about imaging of para thyroids ?
a) 4d CT is less sensitive than USG neck
b) 4d CT gives both anatomical and functional information
c) 4 th dimensions in 4 D CT is time
d) 4D CT is less effective in locating recurrent / ectopic location of parathyroids
Q) Thyroid nodule 9 mm in size is detected incidentally. What should be done next
a) TSH
b) only Follow up
c) USG guided FNAC
d) Plan for Surgery