Medullary thyroid cancer – Management

Q) 42 year old Male patient with 1 cm nodule in Right side of Thyroid. Biopsy shows medullary carcinoma. No neck nodes are seen on USG. What is the management

a) Total thyroidectomy

b) Total thyroidectomy with central node dissection

c) Total thyroidectomy with lateral and central neck dissection

d) Right hemithyroidectomy

Thyroid MCQs 

Thyroid Mock test 1 

Thyroid Mock test 2 

Thyroid 3 

Ans b 

For patients with disease confned to the thyroid, total thyroidectomy is recommended to remove all C cells with elective dissection of the central neck nodes. If there is evidence of nodal metastases, gross
disease should be remove

Bailey 28th page 831

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