Modified Nissen’s fundoplication

Q ) Modified Nissen's Fundoplication is 

a) 2700 anterior wrap around esophagus

b) 2400 wrap

c) 3600 wrap over > 52 Fr for 1 – 2 cm

d) 600 wrap over 42 Fr for 4 cm



Nissen fundoplication is complete 360 degree but has high incidence of gas bloat. To counter, this modification done to wrap over 52 F tube for 1-2 cm

Belsey - Left thoracotomy, mobilization of distal esophagus and stomach, hiatus opened from above,  fundus is brought 270 degrees around distal esophagus. Then the whole assembly is brought down and crura is repaired.

Hill procedure - No fundoplication is done

Toupet is anterior fundoplication either 240 degree or 270 degree.


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