General Surgery New pattern Test

NEET SS 22  test 4  is from selected topics of Bailey and Sabiston.

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1. Q) 18 months old male baby with soft cystic selling in posterior triangle of neck. It is brilliantly illuminating 

This is ?



2. Q) 16 months old male child presents with10 cm liver mass which has been increasing. There is no unusual symptoms apart from that and growth is normal. Diagnosis of Hepatoblastoma is made on imaging, There is no metastasis. How will you manage the patient?


3. Q) Which of the following is not a true statement regarding Blood supply to the liver


4. Q) A 50 year old cirrhotic patient presents with massive Upper GI bleed with hemodynamic instability. EVL has failed to control bleed. A sengstaken Blakmoore tube is inserted and patient becomes temporarily  hemodynamically stable. Next step?


5. Q) Highest risk of Pseudomembranous colitis is with the use of which class of antibiotics



6. A Child is born with haemophilia A. What will be the finding in his blood report?


7. Q) 45 year old male with fungating, 3 cm mass tip of penis. Which of the following is true about ca penis ?


8. Q) Which drug is not a part of “Extreme”Trial in head and neck cancer recurrence ?



Which Streptococcus species is the most pathogenic?


10. Q) A new born baby is diagnosed to have hypospadias. Which is the most severe form of hypospadias?


11. Q) What is seen in split thickness graft as compared to full thickness graft ?




12. Q) Full thickness skin loss without erosion of underlying fascia is which degree of pressure sore ?


13. What would be the ASA grade for a 58-year-old male with diabetes and diabetic nephropathy (serum creatinine 2.1) who is otherwise ambulant and has no other complaints, undergoing evaluation for colon cancer resection?


14. Q) A 38 year old lady presents with right upper quadrant pain and nausea. She is otherwise well. Her liver function tests are normal. An ultrasound examination demonstrates a hyperechoic well defined lesion in the left lobe of the liver which
measures 14 cm in diameter. What is your diagnosis?


15. Q) Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of  deep lobe of parotid. Facial nerve is spared. Best management would be ?


16.  Q) A 65 year old male a case of carcinoma colon. Two  days back he  underwent balloon angioplasty for recent  MI. After how many days can he safely undergo colectomy?


17.  45 yr old male undergoes General Anesthesia  with isoflurane for bowel resection. He  develops tachycardia , fever , rhabdomyolysis and  30 mins after abdominal wall closure. Most probable diagnosis is ?


18. Q) 46 year old lady with mandible excision for head and neck tumor. Which of the following flaps would you use to cover the defect?



19. Q) Which of the following is a selective shunt?


20. Q) Suppurative infections are most commonly caused by


21. Q) All are seen more in ameobic liver abscess than pyogenic liver abscess except?



Q) What is the most common location for an ectopic testis?

23. Q) Pus discharge along wound more than 2 cm falls under which grade of Southampton scoring system




24. Q) 61  year old male with HBV, CHILD C  Cirrhosis with HCC. CT shows 3  lesions, largest being 4 cm. Liver Transplant  can be done as per which criteria ?



25. Q) A 3 day old baby develops dyspneoa. A chest x-ray is performed and shows a radio-opaque shadow with an air-fluid
level in the chest. It is located immediately anterior to the 6th hemivertebra. Which of the following is the most likely
underlying diagnosis?


26. Q) Which of the following regarding lymphatic spread in head and neck cancers is not true?


27. Q) Which is not an effective treatment option for hypertrophic scar?


28. Q) A 56 year old worker falls astride on a scaffolding and suffers injury to the perineum. He can not void and has blood at the urinary meatus. Next step would be ?


29. Q) A 10 year old boy presents with Intestinal obstruction. ON CT there is complete block of small bowel with many curvilinear structures seen in the ileum and. Next step?


30. Q) 35 year old male with testicular tumor. Orchidectomy specimen on HPE shows oval cells with clear cytoplasm and large, rounded nuclei with prominent acidophilic nucleoli. This tumor will  have metastases mainly through??


Question 1 of 30


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