Neet ss 23 Recall Questions



Q) Prophylactic thyroidectomy in MEN 2 B  with mutation at codon 634 is done at what age group

a) less than 1 yr

b) 1-2 yr

c) before 5 years

d) 5-6 yr 

Ans c

Before 5 years

Owing to the strong genotype–phenotype relationship, the specific mutations guide clinicians with regard to the timing of prophylactic surgery

Table 57.9

Bailey page 913

Q2  Why female preponderance of simple goiter as compared to males?

A. Genetic

B. Tsh increased along with prolactin

C. Estrogen receptors in thyroid.

D) Women eat more brassica based vegetables

Ans c

All types of simple goitre are more common in the female than in the male
owing to the presence of oestrogen receptors in thyroid tissue.

Bailey 856

Q) Definition of solitary thyroid nodule?


Q) Young female , with sudden onset headache, nuchal  rigidity

a). meningitis

b) SDH

c) EDH

d) ICH

Ans b

Ans b

Sub arachnoid haemorrhage: Spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage: Most commonly sub arachnoid haemorrhage.

It is due
to intra cranial aneurysm in 85% cases.

Approximately 10% of cases will have normal angiography and the cause will remain
unclear. Patients with inherited connective tissue disorders are at higher risk although most cases are sporadic.

>95% cases will have headache (often thunderclap)

Q) Male who had chest trauma and managed with ICD, he has sudden gush of air and develops surgical emphysema of neck. Next management

a) Rule out esophageal and tracheobronchial injuries

b). VATS

c). Surgery

d). multiple incisions on neck

Ans a

Injuries that involve the thoracic trachea and proximal bronchi may result in
large amounts of pneumomediastinum More distal airway injuries will typically
cause a pneumothorax requiring insertion of a tube thoracostomy.

A continuous air leak with persistent pneumothorax is highly suggestive
of an injury to a bronchus or large bronchiole.

Significant subcutaneous air may also be present on physical examination.
Diagnosis is made with either rigid or flexible bronchoscopy

Sabiston page 410


Q) 45 year old female with synchronous ca cecum and growth at 10cm from anal verge. Metastatic workup normal. Plan?

a). Total colectomy + IRA

b). Right hemicolectomy and anterior resection preserving left colic and left branch of middle colic artery

c). NACT followed by Total colectomy IPAA


Ans c

For synchronous cancers of the right and left colon, an abdominal colectomy with IRA is indicated. If the second cancer is located in the rectum, a total proctocolectomy with an IPAA may be necessary.

Lung and Thorax 

Q) Most common  paraneoplastic syndrome in Bronchogenic carcinoma

a) Hypernatremia

b) Hyperkalemia

c) Hypokalemia

d) Hypomagnesemia


Plastic Surgery 

Q) Cleft lip is due to ?

a) Failure of fusion of medial and lateral nasal process

b) Failure of fusion of mandible and maxillary process

c) Failure of fusion of medial nasal and maxillary process

d) Failure of fusion of lateral nasal and maxillary process

Ans  C

CL is a unilateral or bilateral gap in the upper lip and jaw that forms during the third through seventh weeks of embryonic development. It develops from failure of fusion of the medial nasal process and the maxillary process

Cleft palate (CP), which results from failure of the lateral palatal shelves to fuse, often occurs in conjunction with CL, although it also may develop as an isolated defect.




TNM/S staging used for

a). ca testis

b). ca breast

c). ca prostate

Ans a Ca testis for serum markers


Q) 50 year old lady 4 X 4 cm lump in outer quadrant. Lymph node FNAC is negative 

Mammography shows architecture distortion and diffuse calcification. Management is ?

a) BCS
b) MRM

c) NACT and BCS

d) NACT and MRM

Ans b

Diffuse calcifications rules out BCS

This is T2no

MRM as the lesion is T2

NACT will depend on HER neu and receptor status

Head and Neck 

Q) 67 year old male with edentulous mandible  with oral mucosal cancer with infiltration to alveolus. What is the best management

a) Radiotherapy

b) Observe

c) Marginal Mandibulectomy

d) Segmental mandibulectomy

Ans c

Rim resection or ‘marginal mandibulectomy’ involves removing a partial thickness of
mandible such that continuity of the lower border remains.

Segmental resection involves removing the full height of the invaded section of the mandible such that there is loss of continuity of the lower border

Here there is infiltration and no definite invasion, so answer is c 

Bailey 821


Q) What is a measure of central tendency

a) Mode

b) Standard deviation

c) Range

d) Power

Ans a

The central tendency is stated as the statistical measure that represents the single value of the entire distribution or a dataset

The central tendency of the dataset can be found out using the three important measures namely mean, median and mode.

Pediatric Surgery 

Q)  4 year old boy with right inguinal swelling in which one can not get above the swelling . It is tender, non reducible and no cough impulse?

a) Hydrocele

b) Epididymitis

c) Hernia

d) Varicocele






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