a) Persistence of spherocytosis
b) Anemia
c) Same osmotic fragility
d) Normal life span of erythrocytes
a) Persistence of spherocytosis
b) Anemia
c) Same osmotic fragility
d) Normal life span of erythrocytes
Q) Which is not an indication of liver transplantation in primary sclerosing cholangitis?
a) Intractable pruritis
b) Recurrent episodes of cholangitis
c) Cholangiocarcinoma
d) Dominant stricture
a) Paraesophageal hiatus hernia
b) Sliding hiatus hernia
c) Both sliding and paraesophageal hernia
d) Large part of stomach in the mediastinum with pylorus near the esophageal hiatus
Answer c
Hiatal hernias are protrusion of stomach through a defect in the esophageal hiatus into the mediastinum.
They are of four types of hiatus hernia
a) Ureteral obstruction
b) Entero vesical fistula
c) Pyonephrosis
d) Recto uretheral fistula
Q) A 38 year lady undergoes USG abdomen for vague pain abdomen. ON USG she has a large 12 cm lesion in the right lobe of liver, which on CT turns out to be hemangioma. True about management of hemangioma liver
a) All hemangioma more than 10 cm should be resected
b) OCPs and pregnancy should be avoided in young females as there is risk of rupture
c) Arterial embolization should be routinely done in large hemangiomas
d) If surgery is decided hemangioma located at the periphery should be enucleated
Q) What is true regarding complications of Billroth II surgery?
a) It has less complications than Billroth I surgery
b) Recurrent ulceration is more common in the afferent limb as compared to efferent limb.
c) Afferent loop obstruction is more common after Billroth II surgery
d) Billroth I operation is preferred in scarred duodenum
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Q) Billroth I gastrectomy all are true except-
a) Normal anatomy of duodenum is preserved
b) ERCP can still be performed
c) Avoiding efferent and afferent limb problem
d) No risk for gastric cancer because of decreased alkaline reflux
Q) Splenic artery aneurysm is seen in ( #spleen1)
a) Proximal 1/3rd of splenic artery
b) Proximal 2/3 of splenic artery
c) Middle 1/3 of splenic artery
d) Distal 1/3 of splenic artery