Paget disease of Breast

Q) True regarding Paget's disease of the breast?
A. Seen in 5-10% Carcinoma  breast
B. 50-60% associated with underlying mass
C. Treated by MRM always

d) Radiotherapy is the treatment of choice

Ans b

50% have underlying mass 

Paget disease accounts for 1% or less of breast malignancies. It is characterized clinically by nipple erythema and irritation with associated pruritus and may progress to crusting and ulceration. ( Sabiston page 860)

Paget disease is a condition of the nipple that is commonly associated with an underlying breast cancer  More than 95% of patients with Paget disease have an underlying breast carcinoma. Paget disease may be accompanied by a palpable mass in slightly more than 50% of Epidermal layer of skin is involved. Clinically, dermatitis occurs that may appear eczematoid and moist or dry and psoriatic.

Treatment of Paget disease

(i) mastectomy with axillary staging 

(ii) wide local excision of the nipple and areola to achieve clear margins, axillary staging, and radiation therapy. 

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