Surgtest aka Surgery test
1) Breaks structure of water
2) Lubricates CO2 diffusion
3) Make capillary surface hydrophilic
4) Binds oxygen
19) Nephelometry depends on the following law:
1) Lambert Beer law
2) Scattering of light from particles
3) Refraction of light
4) Decreased intensity of light
20) What is seen in normal person on lying down
1) Increase in venous return
21) Exercise causes which of the following?
1) Increase in muscle blood flow occurs after ½ min
2) Body temperature increases
22) Peristalsis of ureter depends on
1) Only sympathetic
2) Only parasympathetic
3) Both
4) Intrinsic pacemaker in smooth muscle of ureter
23) In systemic capillary blood flow all are seen except:
1) Increased protein content
2) Decreased pH
3) Hb dissociation curve shifts to left
4) Increased hematocrit
24) Cardiac O2 consumption is directly proportional to
1) Mean Arterial Pressure
2) External work done
3) Heart rate
25) Rapid flow in the neurons is by all except
1) Dyenin
2) Kinesin
3) Neurofilaments
4) Microfilaments
26) Bicarbonate absorption
1) PCT
2) DCT
27) Nitric oxide all are true except:
1) cAMP
2) Vasomotor tone
2 Which of the following is correctly matched?
1) A cells – insulin
2) B cells – somatostatin
3) D cells – glucagons
4) G cells – gastrin
29) Receptor present on Sertoli cell for:
1) Inhibin
2) FSH
3) LH