Q) Most common cause of pseudoachalasia is ?
(a) Benign tumors of esophagus
(b) Chagas disease
(c) Caustic injury
(d) Adenocarcinoma of cardia
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Other uncommon causes are 1.benign tumours at this level. 2, Tumors of bronchus, pancreas It is a condition that mimics the symptoms of achalasia, but is caused by a different underlying problem. The most common cause is malignancy in the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ), which is the area where the esophagus meets the stomach. Other possible causes of pseudoachalasia include: Pseudoachalasia presents in an identical manner to idiopathic achalasia with progressive dysphagia to solids and liquids, retrosternal pain, regurgitation of undigested foods and weight loss. The main difference between pseudoachalasia and achalasia is that it is often associated with other symptoms, such as abdominal pain, vomiting, and weight loss. The diagnosis is made through a combination of clinical evaluation, upper endoscopy, and esophageal manometry. Upper endoscopy can help to rule out a malignancy in the GEJ, and esophageal manometry can help to confirm the diagnosis of achalasia. In some cases, a CT scan or MRI of the chest may be needed to further evaluate the cause of pseudoachalasia.d
Pseudoachalasia is an achalasia-like disorder that is usually produced by adenocarcinoma of the cardia