Q) Which of the following is not characteristic of Crohn Disease : * (From AIIMS 2020 November GI)
a) Granular mucosa b) Transmural involvement c) Skip lesions d) Giant cell granuloma
Ans a ) Granular Mucosa- This is a feature of ulcerative colitis ( Table 49-7 Sabiston 20)
The typical gross appearance of ulcerative colitis is hyperemic mucosa.
Friable and granular mucosa is common in more severe cases, and ulceration may not be readily evident. ( Saby 1340)
IN Crohn disease - Microscopically, there are focal areas of chronic inflammation involving all layers of the intestinal wall with lymphoid aggregates. Non-caseating giant cell granulomas are found in 60% of patients and when present clearly allow a confident diagnosis of CD.