Q) Fibrolamellar Carcinoma of the liver
a) Occurs in the setting of cirrhosis
b) Has worse survival than Hepatocellular carcinoma
c) Can be followed up for long time
d) Seen in young females
Q) Fibrolamellar Carcinoma of the liver
a) Occurs in the setting of cirrhosis
b) Has worse survival than Hepatocellular carcinoma
c) Can be followed up for long time
d) Seen in young females
a) Liver is the commonest site followed by lung
b) Most commonly presents as painless abdominal mass
c) Anaphylaxis can occur if there is spillage during surgery
d) Dog is the definitive host
Q) A 38 year lady undergoes USG abdomen for vague pain abdomen. ON USG she has a large 12 cm lesion in the right lobe of liver, which on CT turns out to be hemangioma. True about management of hemangioma liver
a) All hemangioma more than 10 cm should be resected
b) OCPs and pregnancy should be avoided in young females as there is risk of rupture
c) Arterial embolization should be routinely done in large hemangiomas
d) If surgery is decided hemangioma located at the periphery should be enucleated
a) Alpha feto protein should be done 6 monthly
b) Ultrasound abdomen should be done 6 monthly
c) Candidates for liver transplant should be screened every 3 months
d) Nodules more than 2 cm should be followed up more regularly