Examination of cranial nerves in head injury

Q) Gaze paresis is seen after head injury? What is responsible for this

a) Facial nerve injury

b) Vestibulo cochlear nerve injury

c) Brain stem dysfunction

d) Optic nerve injury


Gaze paresis is inability to produce horizontal eye movements in one or both directions. Examination of cranial nerves in head injury is very important to fully assess the extent of injury.

Thyroid Questions

Q) Which of the following thyroid cancers do not take up radio active iodine

a) Medullary carcinoma thyroid

b) Papillary  carcinoma

c) Follicular carcinoma

d) Hurthle cell carcinoma

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a - Medullary carcinoma

Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid is a tumor that arises from the C cells ie the parafollicular cells and not from cells of thyroid follicles.

These are not TSH dependent and hence do not take up radioactive iodine

Hurthle cell carcinoma is a variation of follicular carcinoma only.

In these tumors lymph node involvement is about 60%

Bailey page 769

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