Amylase and Lipase in Acute pancreatitis

Q) Which of the following is false regarding amylase and lipase in acute pancreatitis?
a) Amylase more than 3 times above normal indicates acute pancreatitis
b) Normal serum amylase does not rule out acute pancreatitis
c) Serum lipase is more specific than serum amylase
d) Serum amylase is more sensitive than serum lipase

MCQs on Pancreatitis 

Q) Why does amylase and lipase increase in pancreatitis?

A) They are released from the acinar cells of pancreas during injury

Q) When does serum amylase rise in acute pancreatitis?

A) Within the first 12 hours

Amylase in pancreatitis

Q) In  acute pancreatitis all are true except :

1) Amylase is more sensitive for first 5 days than lipase

2) S. lipase remains elevated for a longer time

3) Amylase levels not included in definitive diagnostic criteria of acute pancreatitis

4) Amylase levels may not be elevated in 19 % of patients


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