Prognosis Carcinoma thyroid

Q) Not an important prognostic factor in Carcinoma thyroid (JIPMER)  ?
A. Age
B. Completeness of resection
C. Multicentricity
D. Extra thyroid extension

Ans c

In thyroid carcinoma, important prognostic factors include age (younger patients tend to have a better prognosis), completeness of resection (as complete removal of the tumor affects outcomes), and extra-thyroid extension (invasion beyond the thyroid worsens prognosis). However, multicentricity (the presence of multiple tumor foci within the thyroid) is generally not considered a major prognostic factor.

Most of the papillary carcinoma are multicentric any way


As per AGES And AMES criteria.

HIgh risk - Male. Age more than 40 years, Size more than 4 cm, Capsular or extra thyroid extension, Regional or distant metastasis and poor differentiation

Low Risk - Well differentiated less than 2 cm. Age benefit is extended to 50 yrs in women


IN younger patients (<45 years old), the presence of lymph node metastases had no effect on the excellent overall survival, but the presence of lymph node metastases increased the risk of death by 46% in patients older than 45

The presence of lymph node metastasis in patients with contained intrathyroidal primary papillary carcinoma also does not affect
long-term survival.

If there is gross or microscopic extension of a primary PTC through the thyroid capsule, a poor prognosis and
possibly a higher rate of lymph node metastasis may be anticipated.

Thyroid Questions

Q) Which of the following thyroid cancers do not take up radio active iodine

a) Medullary carcinoma thyroid

b) Papillary  carcinoma

c) Follicular carcinoma

d) Hurthle cell carcinoma

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a - Medullary carcinoma

Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid is a tumor that arises from the C cells ie the parafollicular cells and not from cells of thyroid follicles.

These are not TSH dependent and hence do not take up radioactive iodine

Hurthle cell carcinoma is a variation of follicular carcinoma only.

In these tumors lymph node involvement is about 60%

Bailey page 769

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