Complications of Billroth II surgery

Billroth 1 and 2

Q) What is true regarding complications of Billroth II surgery?

a) It has less complications than Billroth I surgery

b) Recurrent ulceration is more common in the afferent limb as compared to efferent limb.

c) Afferent loop obstruction is more common after Billroth II  surgery

d) Billroth I  operation is preferred in scarred duodenum

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GI Surgery Question bank 

Answer c -

In Billroth II surgery, afferent limb obstruction is more common

In Billroth I reconstruction The remnant is anastomosed  to the duodenum

In Billroth II duodenum stump is closed and stomach is anastomosed to the jejunum limb

Advantages of Billroth I

  1. More Physiological as normal GI continuity is maintained
  2. No problem of afferent and efferent limb
  3. Future procedures like endoscopy and ERCP can be done
  4. Reduced chance of gastric carcinoma in remnant stomach as compared to Billroth 2  ( SKF page 682) 

In surgery for benign gastric ulcers, Billroth I reconstruction is the preferred choice.

Billroth II surgery has problems of

  1. Retained antrum syndrome
  2. Afferent loop obstruction
  3. Duodenal stump leak (1-3%

Billroth 2 surgery is done when there is

1. Inadequate mobility of the duodenum

2. Scarring of duodenum

Complications of gastric surgery
Complications of gastrectomy

  1. Nutritional and weight loss - Iron deficiency, Copper deficiency, Vit B12 , Anemia
  2. Delayed gastric emptying
  3. Roux statsis- Seen in roux en y loops-  Pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating
  4. Cholelithiasis-  Higher incidence in roux en y reconstruction as compared to B1 and B 2 gastrectomy
  5. Recurrent ulceration

Complications of Billroth 2 surgery

  1. Dumping syndrome Dumping symptoms have been reported in up to 70% of Billroth II patients and up to 75% of patients after RYGBP
    for obesity.
  2. Afferent loop obstruction - It can be minimized by keeping the length of afferent loop less than 20 cm and using a retrocloic approach.
  3. Bile reflux gastritis - More common with billroth I and billroth 2 surgery, incidence is decreasing after the use roux en y anastomosis

Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 2 Volume Set: Expert Consult - Online and Print


Q)  Billroth I gastrectomy all are  true except-

a) Normal anatomy of  duodenum is preserved

b) ERCP can still be performed

c) Avoiding efferent and afferent limb problem

d) No risk for gastric cancer because of decreased alkaline reflux



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